User's Guide ADI-648 © RME
5.3 Operating the ADI-648
Join us for a small 'tour de ADI', starting on the left side at the
MADI to ADAT Converter
. Con-
figuration starts with choosing the input, BNC or optical. The state of the input signal is dis-
played by 12 LEDs. Shown are active input, automatic input selection, receiver state, Sync and
audio data within 8-channel groups. The Sync LED shows the synchronicity between input sig-
nal and external/internal clock, or between the active inputs.
ADAT to MADI Converter
shows the Sync state for each of the 8 inputs via 8 LEDs. Again
8 LEDs display incoming audio data per 8-channel group.
By using the 96k FRAME key, the MADI output is switched into Double Speed mode. This
mode is active when the '96k Frame' LED is lit. In case the WCK LED is lit, the word clock out-
put no longer provides 44.1/48 kHz, but 88.2/96 kHz. However many devices operate in Single
Speed only, and distribute – as known from Double Wire – 96 kHz data on two channels. In this
case the ADI-648 operates correctly even without changing to 96k Frame mode, because Dou-
ble Wire will be converted 1:1 to ADAT (S/MUX).
RME's intelligent clock control (ICC) offers extensive and professional means. To start with, the
clock source can be set to Internal (crystal), External (BNC word clock) and Input, while Input
lets you select between ADAT and MADI. The INT(ernal) clock rates are 44.1 and 48kHz. Lock
state is displayed by the state of the input LEDs (flashing or constantly lit).
Normally all 64 MADI channels will be routed to the according ADAT outputs, and all ADAT
inputs to the 64-channel MADI output (optical and coaxial output operate in parallel).
The 16 x 16 Matrix Router can be acitvated via the STATE key, and allows to change this rout-
ing. First choose an output by pressing the Output Select key, then use the Input Select key to
select the desired input. An input can be assigned to as many outputs as present (splitting), but
an output can not be assigned to more than one input (digital mixing). Routing within the same
format is also allowed. This way ADAT inputs can be routed directly to ADAT outputs, without
the need of a MADI loopback cabling. So all attached devices can send signals to each other
without the need to rearrange the cabling between them.
When stepping through all inputs: the input is muted when no LED is lit.
To reset the Matrix Router to the factory default (routing as if de-activated), press the INPUT
and OUTPUT SELECT keys at the same time.