TAC-200D Revision 5
By plotting your dives this way, you become much more efficient
underwater and can truly optimize your bottom time. If you have to map
an underwater site, the TAC-200D becomes a effective tool for the job
as well.
The TAC200-1 Navigation Board is a rugged high impact plastic board
that is the base for the TAC-200D Navigation System. The TAC200-2
Underwater Compass and the DG100 are both mounted onto the
TAC200-1 to complete the system. The hardware used to mount the
TAC100-2 Underwater Compass is made out of non-corrosive material
and should provide you with many years of service.
The TAC100-2 Underwater Compass is designed and manufactured
for the rigors of underwater use. The rugged housing is depth compen-
sated and should give you many years of dependable
use with proper care. A black compass card with lumi-
nous heading markers allows you to maintain a course
heading, even in the worst visibility for up to eight hours.
Illuminating the compass can be achieved by shining a
bright light or UV light on the compass card for several
minutes. This excites the luminous properties of the card and allows
you to visually see the compass at night or in poor visibility conditions
for up to eight hours. The longer you excite the card with light, the
longer it glows underwater.
The TAC200-2 Underwater Compass requires very little care. However
it is a precision instrument and should be treated as such. The entire
compass should be periodically removed from the TAC200-1 Board
and rinsed with clear water and dried with a soft cloth to maintain clear
vision. If air bubbles appear in the dome or any other problems should
occur, contact RJE International, Inc. for service.
TAC-200D Revision 5
DG100 Digital Depth Gauge and Timer
The DG100 is a digital depth gauge that measures and displays depth
accurately from 0 to 330Ft (0-100m). Using a state-of-the-art pressure
transducer, the DG100 depth resolution is 0.1ft (0.1m) and is altitude
compensated to 6,000ft (1,828m). In addition, the DG100 also warns
the diver if he exceeds 33ft (10m) with a flashing indicator on the dis-
The DG100 also tracks the dive time automatically once activated,
and will store the total dive time upon surfacing. In addition to tacking
the total dive time, the DG100 also tracks leg times. The leg time
functions are independent of the dive time. Upon surfacing, the
DG100 switches to “Surface Mode” and the surface timer activates.
While in “Surface Mode” the DG100 memory can be accessed allow-
ing the diver to recall his deepest excursion and display it. When re-
calling the max depth, the total dive time is also displayed. Other
depth gauges can be supplied with the TAC-200D series board. Con-
tact a RJE International sales representative to discuss these options.
Display and Controls
Depth readings are provided to the diver through a large Red LED
display on the bottom of the display. Both dive and leg times are dis-
played at the top of the display. The DG100 buttons allow access to
these functions. Using an built in ambient light sensor, the DG100
automatically adjust brightness of the display.
All functions of the DG100 are controlled through buttons on each
side of the display.
Buttons are operated in two modes Short Press or Long
Hold. In Short Press operation it is the release of the button that performs the
desired function, this is intentional so as to avoid accidental button activation.
A Long Hold is defined as lasting 2 seconds or more.
MAX = Maximum Depth
FSW = Feet of Sea Water
MSW = Meters of Sea Water
Dive/Leg Timer
Status LEDs