Rasa Beta Operating Manual
3.4 Visual Display Unit
A Visual Display Unit (VDU) is incorporated into the dashboard, which communicates Rasa Beta
speed, fuel economy, distance travelled and fuel levels to the driver (Figure 8). Approval compliant
warning symbols are included in the display. The VDU will also display a yellow (Figure 9) or red
(Figure 3) warning triangle in the event of a hydrogen system fault. In the event of a yellow warning
please contact Riversimple so the fault can be investigated. In the case of a red warning triangle the
Rasa Beta must be stopped and switched off immediately. Please contact Riversimple without delay.
Figure 8:
a Beta Visual display Unit
Figure 9: Ras
a Beta Visual Display Unit with warning yellow triangular H
3.5 Keys and fob
You need three keys for the Rasa Beta (one for each door and one for the ignition) and one
immobiliser, as shown by Figure 10.