Rasa Beta Operating Manual
Areas of the Rasa Beta that contain hydrogen components are clearly marked with the
hydrogen safety symbols (Figure 2) and should be treated with caution appropriate to
handling flammable substances and compressed gases;
Figure 2: Hydrogen, flammability and compressed gas safety symbols
Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable and burns with an invisible flame. Keep any potential
ignitions sources well away from the Rasa Beta;
The hydrogen system working pressure on the Rasa Betais 35 MPa (5075 psi). Do not
attempt to refuel or connect the vehicle hydrogen storage and delivery system to sources of
compressed hydrogen higher than the system working pressure;
If there’s any likelihood of damage to hydrogen components, including the storage tank and
supply lines, do not attempt to operate or refuel the Rasa Beta;
Hydrogen leak detection systems are installed on the Rasa Beta. In case of a leak the driver’s
visual display unit will display a red triangular H
symbol between the dials (Figure 3). An
audible warning will also sound from the driver’s display. In this circumstance turn-off and
leave the vehicle immediately. The hydrogen supply will have been isolated and the fuel cell
will shut-off once any hydrogen in the supply lines has been depleted;
Figure 3: Rasa Beta Visual Display Unit with warning red triangular H