5 Assembly and siting
Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
Floor conditions
– The floor of the installation space should be rigid and
– Choose the installation site so that the unit is not situ-
ated on a step or uneven surface, etc.
Climatic Conditions
Electromagnetic interference
– Interfering electrical installations (high frequency)
should be avoided.
Heat loss from the equipment
– The equipment in the server enclosure being cooled
must generate a heat loss of at least 3 kW.
Prepare the installation room for the LCP
Inline DX
The installation room of the LCP Inline DX must be divid-
ed into one cold air zone and one hot air zone. This en-
sures that no cooling capacity is lost due to mixing of
cold and hot air.
Fig. 13:
Installation room with cold aisle containment
LCP Inline DX
Hot aisle
Cold aisle
Installation guidelines for LCP Inline DX
The positioning in the rack aisles must be considered
when planning the layout. The following points are to be
– Heat loss in the adjacent server racks
– Air throughput in the adjacent server racks
– Distances from the adjacent server racks
Heat losses in the adjacent server racks
If the LCP Inline DX is used in combination with server
enclosures with high heat losses, the number of LCP
Inline DX units must be adapted according to the char-
acteristic curves. The air temperature difference be-
tween server inlet and server outlet, which is determined
by the equipment used, is particularly important. As a
rule of thumb, a temperature difference of 15 K can be
expected. There may, however, be greater differences.
Air throughput in the adjacent server racks
Due to the containment of the hot and cold zones, it is
important to ensure that the LCP Inline DX delivers a suf-
ficient amount of cold air into the cold zone. From there,
the cold air is drawn back into the server enclosures by
the equipment. A small surplus of air should generally be
provided in order to compensate for any short-term de-
mands of the equipment.
For easier servicing of the LCP DX, maintain
a distance of at least 1 m between the front
and rear of the device and the nearest wall.
Room tempe22°C at 50% relative air
humidity, according to ASHRAE guidelines.
Where necessary, these values should be
achieved by an additional room air-condition-
ing system.
All the components needed for cold aisle
containment are available from Rittal as ac-