1 Series OUTPOST
Wireless Callbox
Installation Instructions
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Using Ex12 VDC Power without Battery Back-up
The Ritron 1-Series callbox can be programmed for always-on
operation by disabling the Automatic Turn-Off option. This is
accomplished using the RQX PC Programmer, or through
Field Programming. Once Automatic Turn-Off is disabled, the
user simply turns on the RQX by pressing the front panel PTT
button and it will remain on as long as power is applied. If
power to the callbox is lost, the user must press the front
panel PTT to restart the radio. For externally powered
callboxes, battery backup is one method of keeping the radio
on if the primary external power is lost.
For users that do not want to rely on battery backup, and
do not want to “restart” the callbox after a power loss, the
callbox can be modified to automatically restart after a
power loss.
For details or questions about this modification contact Ritron
at 1-800-872-1872 and reference Ritron publication
14670028, RQX 1-Series, 6-Series and 7-Series Callbox
Modification for Always On Operation.
Important considerations before applying this modification:
The Automatic Turn-Off option must be disabled.
When Automatic Turn-Off is disabled the unit will con-
sume the largest amount of current, but is always ready
to instantly receive messages. This mode should only be
considered if an external source of +12 VDC is available.
The callbox receiver will always be on. All radio commu-
nication on the programmed frequency and tone will be
heard over the RQX callbox.
There are three power management options available to the 1
Automatic Turn-Off (Field or PC Programmable)
In this mode, the callbox will automatically turn itself off after a
programmed period of no activity
(no transmissions made
and no calls received)
has elapsed. Once the unit has turned
itself off, it can only be turned back on by depressing the
Button. The programmed period of no activity
necessary before the unit turns itself off is called the
Reset Time
. RQX Reset Time and Automatic Turn-Off can
both be Field programmed, or PC programmed by the factory
or your Ritron dealer via the Ritron RQX Series PC
Programmer. Automatic Turn-Off mode is the factory default
mode for power management with an RQX Reset Time of 10
Battery Saver (PC Programmable Only)
This mode is similar to the Automatic Turn-Off mode except
that the unit does
turn itself off after the RQX Rest Time
has elapsed. Instead it reverts to a mode where the unit goes to
sleep and periodically wakes up to test for receive activity on
the channel. The Sleep Period (called Battery Saver Sleep
Time) can be set using the Ritron RQX Series PC Programmer
to between 0.5 and 8 seconds. Longer sleep times result in
better battery life, but increase the chances that activity on the
channel may be missed. The unit will come out of this mode
when activity is detected during the wake-up period or if the
button is pressed. The Automatic Turn-Off and Battery
Saver modes cannot be used together.
Neither “Automatic Turn-Off” nor “Battery Saver” Used
(Field or PC Programmable)
If neither Automatic Turn-Off nor Battery Saver are used the
unit will consume the largest amount of current, but is always
ready to instantly receive messages. This mode should only be
considered if an external source of +12 VDC is available (see
“Using Ex12 VDC Power with Battery Back-up” on page