• It is important to take extra care of the waxed areas of your
body especially for the first 24 hours. Although you can use
an antiseptic moisturising lotion to soothe your skin, do NOT
use perfumed body lotions or creams since these can cause
an allergic reaction or discomfort.
• Exfoliating 2 days after your treatment and everyday
thereafter will prevent ingrown hairs.
• We recommend wearing loose fitting, natural fibre clothing
after treatment, and avoiding tight fitting or nylon clothes
which may rub on the treated areas.
• The removal of deep-seated and/or thick hairs such as those
found under the arm or at the bikini line can sometimes
cause small drops of blood to appear on the surface of the
skin. A cold compress made of dampened cotton wool will
remove these traces of blood and help to cool the area.
• A slight redness after treatment may occur but will normally
fade over 24 hours.