Code 57 Troubleshooting Procedure
Burner Overheat Bi-metal Switch
A code 57 will appear when one of the two bi-metals opens on the rear of the burner assembly. The
code 57 will appear regardless to whether or not the unit is in operation. To reset this code you must
correct the problem with the bi-metal switch first. Then you have to turn the power off to the appliance
and then turn it back on. This is called a hard reset.
Check burner overheat bi-metal switch wiring harness for loose, broken or damaged
connections from sensor back to PC board.
Verity unit is connected to the proper type gas. Example; if a natural gas unit should be
connected to natural gas.
You must be qualified to service gas systems before proceeding. Verify low/high fire
manifold pressures are set properly. See gas pressure setting procedures for pressure setting at
your elevation.
If unit was ever converted from one gas type to another, verify the conversion process was
preform per the manufacturer’s instructions and all pressures and dip switch were set to match
the gas type unit was converted too.
Disconnect power supply to unit before proceeding with this task. Replace sensor