Main components
Main components
Pos : 6. 2 / 5 Anl agenbesc hrei bung, Bedi enungs- und Anz eigeel emente, Betri ebs art en/RA/Übersc hrift: Best andt eile RA 051 @ 10\ mod_1440589704898_131. doc x @ 102955 @ 2 @ 1
Pos : 6. 3 / 5 Anl agenbesc hrei bung, Bedi enungs- und Anz eigeel emente, Betri ebs art en/RA/Zeic hnung RA 51 D @ 5\ mod_1382514889104_0. doc x @ 47159 @ @ 1
Pos : 6. 4 / 5 Anl agenbesc hrei bung, Bedi enungs- und Anz eigeel emente, Betri ebs art en/RA/Tabelle z u Z eic hnung Haupt komponent en RA 51 @ 5\ mod_1382515020090_131.doc x @ 47169 @ @ 1
Drive unit
Floor plate
Collection container
Motor protection switch
Pos : 6. 5 / 5 Anl agenbesc hrei bung, Bedi enungs- und Anz eigeel emente, Betri ebs art en/RA/Funkti ons Bes chr eibung R A-G erät @ 1\mod_1336634507628_131. doc x @ 12800 @ 2 @ 1
Function description RA device
Suction turbines in the drive unit generate a vacuum through the filter in the collection container via
the hose and the hood. The raw air is sucked in through the nozzle and the suction hose or the pipes.
Coarse particles fly against the baffle plate and fall from the air flow into the collection container.
Smaller particles and dust are separated at the surface of the filter material when passing through the
area filter. The pure air that was cleaned in this manner is blown back through the hood to the suction
turbines and the muffler exhaust hose in the working room.
Pos : 7. 1 / 6 I nbetriebnahme/ Inbetriebnahme, Kapit elübersc hrift @ 0\ mod_1263481987997_131. doc x @ 1362 @ 1 @ 1