Token Ring Speed Settings
The router will auto-sense the Token Ring speed of 4MHz or
16MHz. This is the default setting.
In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to manually set
the Token Ring speed.
To do this, unscrew the casing of the unit (ensuring it is
disconnected from the power supply) The Token Ring speed pins
are located on the circuit board and are easily identified by a red
jumper. The layout is shown in the diagram below.
The red jumper will be over the Auto pin only, enabling the router
to select 16MHz or 4MHz as required. To set one speed only,
remove the jumper and replace it over the Auto pin and the pin of
the speed you wish to set, as shown in the diagrams below.
After the setting has been selected, replace the casing and the
router will operate only to the speed selected.
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RD2004112901 | Eth_Tring_Rout_Man.doc
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