The abbreviation LEL stands for Lower Explosive Limit.
Lower explosive limit
This represents the lowest concentration which can be ignited by source of ignition, hence the lowest
concentration which can produce an explosion.
Matching the equipment indication, reading or set value to the calibration gas concentration valve by using
the calibration/standard gas.
Maintenance mode
When make maintenance of this unit, shut off the alarm and the output of signal showing the maintenance mode
condition is displayed on the external output signal.
By this, the maintenance is carried out independently on this unit.
Press MODE switch for over 3 seconds to start the maintenance.
nitial clear
The output from the detector head fluctuates for a while after power on.
This function is to suppress alarm during this period. Also, signal output showing initial clear condition is given on
external output.
Alarm delay time
To prevent the alarm error by noise intruded from the outside, this is the function to suspend the running
Response time
The time to get an alarm when exposed to gas concentration of 1.6 times alarm level.