This is an important for security and safety. To maintain the security and enhance the reliability of
safety, the regular maintenance check for it shall be absolutely necessary.
7−1.Frequency of maintenance and check items.
7−1−1.Daily check
This is the check items carried out by customer.
①Check of PW/TR light.
In normal operation, the light is at on condition.
②Check of LED reading
Check that LED reading is zero (0).
If it is not “0”, check that gas is free around detector head and make zero adjustment at detector head side.
③Alarm test
Check that the alarm light flashes and buzzer sounds.
7−1−2.Regular maintenance check
The following items shall be checked at regular check.
①Daily check
②Cleaning of this unit
④Function check
⑤Parts replacement
7−2.Maintenance contract for regular check
To maintain the safety operation of the unit, it is recommended to keep the maintenance contract with service
agent for regular maintenance, adjustment and overhaul etc including the gas sensitivity adjustment.
For the detail of maintenance contract, contact our nearest service agent or RIKEN KEIKI.
For the accurate zero adjustment, check it by “1-1 Zero adjustment” of maintenance mode.
For the alarm test, refer to “5-5-5 Alarm test.”