Do not work alone when working with high voltage circuits.
For your own safety, inspect the probes for cracks and frayed or broken leads before
each use. If defects are noted,
the probe.
Hands, shoes, floor and work bench must be dry. Avoid making measurements under
humid, damp or other environmental conditions that might affect the safety of the
measurement situation. If possible, always turn the high voltage source off before
connection or disconnection the probe.
The probe body should be kept clean and free of any conductive contamination. The
probe is for indoor use only.
Connect the divider probe common lead (alligator clip) to a good earth ground or
reliable ground.
Connect the BNC connector to the BNC input of your oscilloscope.
Select the desired range of your oscilloscope.
Please turn the high voltage source off before making any connections.
Compensation Adjustment
Connect the probe to the oscilloscope, and input a 200Hz square wave to the probe tip.
After that adjust the oscilloscope controls to display a few cycles of the waveform.
Adjust the trimmer located in the BNC plug for a flat topped square wave.
Illustration of 200Hz square wave adjustment