4. Place the child in the Pacer
• Fasten the rear buckles of the
chest prompt.
5. Pull the hip positioner or pelvic support
between the child’s legs and connect the
rings to the handholds (or fasten buckles
if preferred).
6. Secure the child’s forearms with the arm
prompt straps, or place the child’s hands
on the hand loops.
7. Secure the ankle prompt straps around
the child’s ankle.
8. Release the caster brakes.
Figure 23a:
This shows how a more
pronounced forward-leaning position
is achieved. Note the chest prompt tilt
and the location of the hip positioner
behind the child’s shoulders. The front hip
positioner straps are attached to the chest
prompt posts. The hand loop clamps are
attached to the front of the top bar.
1. To adjust the child's forward-leaning
• Use the chest prompt tilt adjustment.
• Keep the top of the chest prompt
away from the armpits to avoid
pressure and discomfort.
2. Adjust hip positioner or pelvic support:
• Adjust height of handhold posts.
• Use straps to adjust hip positioner or
pelvic support angle and to position
child’s pelvis in the desired forward-
leaning angle in relation to the chest
Figure 23a