Installation of the boiler
The boiler must be installed respecting the minimum indicated
distances to allow the necessary maintenance work to be car-
ried out. The position “A” depends on the burner model used.
650 mm
A ÷ 200
700 mm)
A ÷ 200
700 mm)
The recommended height for the boiler room is at least 2,200
mm, leave the minimum space free on the sides and in front of
the boiler as shown in the drawing.
Provide a base with a minimum height of 200 mm above the
floor for the installation of the burner of the boiler.
RTT 76
RTT 93
RTT 110
RTT 128
RTT 145
L (mm)
L- 200mm
Characteristics of the base:
− it should be made of BS 25 fibre concrete
− it should respect the indicated dimensions,
− it should not be covered with a slippery material like ce-
ramic, etc.
− any acoustic insulation should be made before the base.
In the RTT 76-145 boilers, the door of the burner can open on
both sides. For this reason, equal free distances are specified on
both sides (min. 700 mm). This characteristic is advantageous for
operations to be carried out on the boiler. If the space available
in the boiler room is not sufficient for the distances indicated,
you can choose the opening side and leave more space free on
that part. On the other part, half the indicated free distance is
Provide enough space for the tools to be used in the boiler room.