Safety instructions
Rieber GmbH & Co. KG
The 'collection tank for condensation' and its position in the appliance are not
The own weight of the appliance as well as the permissible loading are not marked
on the device.
Information about regulations to be followed
In addition to this user guide there are a range of health and safety and other regulationsthat are
relevant for the operation of this cooking station; these include HACCP food hygiene regulations for
Maximum keep-warm time according to HACCP is
2 hours
Instructions on behaviour in an emergency
Prepare first-aid measures. Scenarios:
Crushing of tips of toes due to being run over
Crushing of parts of the body during movement of the appliance
Contusions, stab and cut injuries from falling tableware; cutlery or sharp, sharp-
edged object.
Risk of burns and scalds from hot parts such as food, soups etc.
Sliding/falling Draining condensation can make the floor slippery if the collection
tank for condensation is not emptied.
An emergency could be a fire in the proximity. Make sure you take precautionary measures.
For electrical appliances: Switch the appliance off immediately in an emergency. Unplug the mains
plug. Switch off the fuse if necessary.
Store the emergency equipment, including the relevant instructions, at a readily accessible place
near the place of use.
Instructions on dealing with faults in the refrigeration system
→ Applies to types TWF-AK (… with cooling device, active convection cooling)
Work at the cooling unit may only be carried out by refrigeration experts.
Refrigerant in the cooling circuit: Contact can cause eye irritation and cardiovascular disorders.
Fire-fighting measures:
water spray jet
or water mist, alternatively carbon dioxide or powder
Call the fire brigade; Use self-contained breathing apparatus.