Figure 14D – Pipe Engraving in Prep Area
5. Once system is installed, test in accor-
dance with normal practice and local
overall surface should be smooth. De -
pressions (scratches, grooves, pits, etc.)
in the cleaned area of the pipe which
are not smooth could allow leakage past
the fitting seal. If the factory applied pipe
coating (black paint, lacquer, etc) com-
pletely fills the depression, is securely
adhered and is smooth from prepara-
tion, it may be acceptable to use. Do not
apply any coatings to fill depressions.
(see Figure 14).
4. If any issues are found, either repeat the
deburr and cleaning process or discard
the pipe and prepare a new end so that
the preparation meets the fitting manufac-
turers requirements
(see Figure 14). Im -
proper pipe end preparation could allow
the press connection to leak.
Common Unacceptable Conditions
Found In Pipe End Preps
Figure 14A – Pipe Wrench Jaw Marks in Prep
Figure 14B – 300 PD Chuck Marks in Prep Area
Figure 14C – Prep Area Not Square with End of
Pipe Preparation Tool