Driving Conditions & Mileage Ranges
Flat Road Surface
Combination Hill & Flat
Hills 5 -17 Degree Grade
Start & Stop Traffic
Headlights On
Mileage Performance
Few Stops
26-30 22-26
24-28 20-24
Riding Your Capri
What Happens When the Battery is in the
Your Capri is operated by a microprocessor based DC drive controller. It’s job is to optimize performance
and battery life. It also controls acceleration and interlock safety features that won’t allow you to
accelerate or start if the hand brake lever is engaged. It also provides an obvious low battery charge
acceleration behavior. If your battery is in the bottom portion of the RED Zone your scooter will function
with the following behavior. As you twist the grip to accelerate the scooter will speed up an then cut off,
speed up and cut off until the battery system is totally discharged. The great part about this feature is that
it typically provides low charge state range of about 1 - 2 miles. In other words the scooter just doesn’t
stop and leave you stranded.
Note Mileage results were conducted with a 180 lb. rider. Conservative driving habits were
applied and local traffic speed limits of 25 mph were maintained to reflect realistic mileage
performance results. Your results may very based on weight and driving habits
Capri Locking Steering Column Security Feature
After you have safely placed your scooter on the center kick stand,
and on a firm road surface, you now can lock the steering column.
Insert the ignition key, with your right hand and do not turn it in either
direction. Simultaneously, with your left hand, grasp the left side handle
bar grip. Now, turn the ignition key counter clockwise while turning the
Capri’s handle bars to a full left position. Now, remove the ignition key.
You will notice that the handle bars are now locked in a left hand turn.
This makes pushing or rolling your scooter very difficult. To fully secure
your scooter it is advisable to purchase additional locking cables and
after market locking systems to avoid theft or an unintentional riding of
your scooter.
Turn the wheel and the key
to lock the steering column