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Ownership of Received Fax Documents
For the ownership of the received fax documents, the TOE has the characteristic that the ownership of the
document is assigned to the intended user. This is according to PP APPLICATION NOTE 93.
Augmentation of FCS_CKM.1 and FCS_COP.1
This TOE claims O.STORAGE.ENCRYPTED as the security objectives for the data protection applied to
non-volatile memory media that are neither allowed to be attached nor removed by the administrator. To
fulfil this claim, additional changes were augmented to the functional requirements FCS_CKM.1 and
FCS_COP.1 and to the functional requirements interdependent with FCS_CKM.1 and FCS_COP.1; however,
these changes still satisfy the functional requirements demanded in the PP.
Augmentation of information protected by FTP_ITC.1
FTP_ITC.1 was changed in this TOE. This change only augmented communication with RC Gate via LAN
on the information protected by FTP_ITC.1 that the PP requires; it is to restrict the requirements in the PP.
Therefore, this satisfies the functional requirements demanded in the PP.
Augmentation of restricted forwarding of data to external interface (FPT_FDI_EXP)
This TOE, in accordance with the PP, extends the functional requirement Part 2 due to the addition of the
restricted forwarding of data to external interfaces (FPT_FDI_EXP).
Consistency Rationale of FDP_ACF.1(a)
While FDP_ACF.1.1(a) and FDP_ACF.1.2(a) in the PP require the access control SFP to the document data
that is defined for each SFR package in the PP, this ST requires the access control SFP to the document data
that is defined for each document data attribute, which is the security attribute for objects. This is not a
deviation from the PP but an instantiation of the PP.
Although FDP_ACF.1.3(a) in the PP has no additional rules on access control of document data and user
jobs, this ST allows the MFP administrator to delete document data and user jobs.
The TOE allows the MFP administrator to delete document data and user jobs on behalf of normal users who
are privileged to delete them in case normal users cannot execute such privileges for some reasons. This does
not deviate from the access control SFP defined in the PP.
Although FDP_ACF.1.4(a) in the PP has no additional rules on access control of document data and user
jobs, this ST rejects supervisor and RC Gate to operate document data and user jobs.
Supervisor and RC Gate are not identified in the PP and are the special users for this TOE.
This indicates that the PP does not allow users to operate the TOE, unless they are identified as the users of
document data and user jobs.
Therefore, FDP_ACF.1 (a) in this ST satisfies FDP_ACF.1 (a) in the PP.
Additional Rules on FDP_ACF.1.3(b)
While FDP_ACF.1.3(b) in the PP allows users with administrator privileges to operate the TOE functions,
this ST allows them to operate Fax Reception Function only, which is part of the TOE functions.