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Copyright (c) 2010 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All Rights Reserved.
administrator, or supervisor). This function is available from the Operation Panel or by accessing the Web
Service Function from a client computer. Some information can be managed from the Operation Panel,
client computer, and both. As for Management Functions, security-related functions are described later in
"Security Management Function" in " Security Functions".
Although the Management Function also provides Back Up/Restore Address Book functions, no evaluation
based on this document is applied to these functions.
Web Service Function
This function is for allowing authorised TOE users (general users, administrators or supervisor) to operate
the TOE remotely from a client computer. Remote operation is possible if a Web browser is installed on the
client computer and the TOE and client computer are network-connected. Users can use this function by
accessing the web server of the TOE from their computer's Web browser. The following TOE operations
are available:
Printing document data stored in the D-BOX.
Document data stored using the Copy Function, Document Server Function, Fax Function, or
Printer Function can be printed. When document data is printed, the Print Setting information for
the stored document data will be updated according to the user's settings.
Sending document data stored in the D-BOX.
Document data stored using the Scanner Function can be sent.
Deleting document data stored in the D-BOX.
Downloading document data stored in the D-BOX.
Document data stored using the Scanner Function or Fax Function can be downloaded.
Subset of Management Functions.
Checking the status of the TOE.
Security Functions
The Security Functions include the Audit Function, Identification and Authentication Function, Document
Data Access Control Function, Stored Data Protection Function, Network Communication Data Protection
Function, Security Management Function, Service Mode Lock Function, Telephone Line Intrusion
Protection Function, and MFP Control Software Verification Function. This section describes these
Audit Function
This function is for checking the operational status of the TOE, and for recording events in the audit log,
which is necessary for the detection of security breaches. Only the machine administrator is able to read and
delete the recorded audit logs. The machine administrator can read the audit logs using the Web Service
Function, and delete the audit logs using both the Operation Panel and the Web Service Function.