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Aficio MP 9001/8001/7001/6001 series MFP) and fax driver must be downloaded and installed into the
client computer from the website indicated in the user guidance.
FTP Server
FTP server is used for the TOE to deliver the document data stored in the TOE to folders in FTP server.
SMB Server
SMB server is used for the TOE to send the document data stored in the TOE to folders in SMB server.
SMTP Server
SMTP server is used for the TOE to send the document data stored in the TOE to a client computer by
Telephone Line
A telephone line is a line used to send and receive fax data from an external fax when the optional fax is
A firewall is a device that is set between the internal and the external network and protects the internal
network from the external network.
TOE Description
This section describes the physical boundaries of the TOE, user guidance documents, user roles, logical
boundaries of the TOE, and protected assets.
Physical Boundary of TOE
The physical boundary of the TOE is the MFP, which consists of the following hardware (shown in Figure
2): Operation Panel Unit, Engine Unit, Fax Unit, Controller Board, Ic Ctlr, HDD, Network Unit, USB Port,
and SD Card Slot. Figure 2 outlines the configuration of the TOE hardware.
Figure 2 outlines the configuration of the TOE hardware.