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TSF Data
User Roles
Users for stored and received
Query, modify
MFP administrator
User authentication method
MFP administrator
FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions
Hierarchical to:
No other components.
Dependencies: No
The TSF shall be capable of performing the following management functions: [assignment:
management functions shown in Table 30].
Table 30 : List of Specification of Management Functions
Management Functions
New creation, query, modification, and deletion of the login user name of normal user by MFP administrator
when the Basic Authentication is used
Query of own login user name by normal user when the Basic Authentication is used
New creation, query, modification, and deletion of the login user name of normal user by MFP administrator
when External Authentication is used
Query and modification of login user name of supervisor by supervisor
New creation of login user name of MFP administrator by MFP administrator
Query and modification of own login user name by MFP administrator
Query of login user name of MFP administrator by supervisor
New creation and modification of login password of normal user by MFP administrator when the Basic
Authentication is used
Modification of own login password by normal user when the Basic Authentication is used
Modification of login password of supervisor by supervisor
Modification of login password of MFP administrator by supervisor
New creation of login password of MFP administrator by MFP administrator
Modification of own login password by MFP administrator
Query of minimum character number by MFP administrator when the Basic Authentication is used
Query of Password Complexity by MFP administrator when the Basic Authentication is used
Query of Number of Attempts before Lockout by MFP administrator when the Basic Authentication is used
Query of Lockout Release Timer Setting by MFP administrator when the Basic Authentication is used
Query of lockout time by MFP administrator when the Basic Authentication is used
Query and modification of document user list by MFP administrator
Query and modification of document user list by the normal user who stored the document
Query and modification of available function list by MFP administrator
Query of own available function list by normal user when the Basic Authentication is used