User Manual
©2012-13 Richard Paul Russell Limited, New Harbour Building, Bath Road, Lymington SO41 3SE United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 1590 679755 Fax +44 (0) 1590 688577 e-mail [email protected] web www.r-p-r.co.uk
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017SL167/3 04/09/13
Save this text file as
on the SD card in the root folder. (Note: if folder
DATA already exists on the card, ensure the file SETUP.TXT is not in this folder but at the
top level in the root directory.) If using Windows and Vista, please also refer to section
Remove card from card reader and insert the card into the SpaceLogger.S10.
The command lines will now be effective. The configuration is saved to the
SpaceLogger.S10 and the file SETUP.TXT is automatically renamed to SETUPOLD.TXT
on the memory card. Settings are stored in eeprom and are preserved when power is
switched off.
To intentionally return to the default settings, a new SETUP.TXT file must be created
containing the command
Notes on saving file SETUP.TXT
File SETUP.TXT must have its name and file extension in capitals, e.g. not SETUP.txt.
To ensure saving correctly from Notepad or similar text editor, select ‘Save As...’. When the Save
As box appears, select ‘All Files’ from the pull down list next to ‘Save as type:’ and type
SETUP.TXT in the File name box.
With Windows and Vista it is beneficial to have File Extensions visible when viewing documents
in Explorer.