RL1100EM Mechanical-to-Electronic Conversion Manual
Installation and Maintenance
Prior to installation and setup, carefully remove the IQ
plus 390-DC indicator and the RL20000 load cell
from the shipping container and compare serial
numbers with that of the materials packing list. Ensure
t h a t a l l c o nve r s i o n k i t h a r d wa r e m a t c h e s t h e
component parts listed in Section 5.
: Care should be taken to assure proper assembly
and operation of this scale. The unpacking and assembly
should be accomplished by a trained scale technician.
Untrained personnel should not attempt any adjustment
not specified in these instructions.
The assembled scale must be operated on a firm, level
surface. Use the built-in bubble level as a reference
Mechanical Components Removal
1. To c o nve r t t h e m e c h a n i c a l s c a l e t o a n
electronic scale, do the following steps (see
Figure 2-1):
2. Remove slotted weights and counterpoise
3. Disconnect steelyard (connecting rod).
4. Remove the two top beam cap assembly nuts
and washers. Remove beam cap assembly,
weight rack, and beam assembly.
Figure 2-1. Mechanical Scale Parts Removal
Indicator and Load Cell Installation
1. Install jam nut and lock washer onto eyebolt
(see Figure 2-2 and Figure 3-1). Thread
eyebolt into load cell until thread of eyebolt
protrudes into slot of load cell approximately
1/8 inch. Turn eyebolt so that the centerline of
the eyebolt hole (open end) is perpendicular
with the leg of load cell. Tighten jam nut.
Figure 2-2. Load Cell Hardware Installation
2. Install jam nut on threaded adapter and turn
adapter into top of load cell until thread
protrudes into load cell slot approximately 1/8
inch. Tighten jam nut on threaded adapter to
load cell.
3. Place load cell into tip of mast, lining up cable
of load cell with large window in mast. Install
hook of steelyard rod into eyebolt then rest
bottom of load cell on bottom of window of
the mast.
4. Line up holes in indicator stand with holes in
baseplate then attach indicator stand to
baseplate using four 1/4 x 1/2 inch cap screws
and lock washers. Tighten screws with an
allen wrench.
5. Install carriage bolt through indicator stand/
base plate assembly. Install lock washer and
nut. Tighten nut. Install second jam nut on
carriage bolt turning it to approximately 1/4
inch from the first jam nut.
6. Place indicator stand/base plate assembly on
mast. Line up threaded rods (in mast) with
holes in indicator stand/base plate assembly.
The handle of the indicator stand/base plate
assembly should be to the rear of the scale.
7. Place flat washers and chrome-plated acorn
nuts on threaded rods through plate. Line up
indicator stand/base plate assembly with mast
then tighten acorn nuts.
8. Place lock washer and right hand threaded
end of load cell coupling nut on carriage bolt
two to three turns only.
Beam Cap
Slotted Weights
Beam Assembly
Eyebolt Parallel with Load Cell
1/8 in. Protusion
Eyebolt Jam Nut and
Lock Washer
Coupling Nut
Threaded Adapter