Warning! Before transporting or moving the chainsaw, switch off the engine and fit
the chain guard.
- Carry the handle with chain and guide bar pointing to rear.
- The blade and the unit may be damaged if you move the chainsaw carelessly.
- Avoid the blade to hit the ground while holding the chainsaw by the handle
- Firmly tie or latch the chainsaw during transport (e.g.: in a van or a trailer ...) to avoid any risk.
6.7- Storage
Keep product, user manual and accessories in the original packaging
After any use, clean the chainsaw properly.
Never store a chainsaw for longer than 30 days without performing the following procedures:
1- Empty the chain saw oil from the oil tank.
2- Pour some engine oil into it.
3- Allow the engine run for some time to clean the oil leadings and oil pump.
4- Remove the saw chain and guide bar, clean them and sprinkle them with preservative oil.
5- Clean the chain saw properly and store it on a dry place.
Store chainsaw in a clean and dry location. Always lock up product and keep out of reach of children.
6.8- Disposal
When disposing of your machine, remove oil from the machine, and be sure to follow the local
: Do not dispose with household garbage. Do not throw into the environment.
Dispose of used oil in a collection centre, or seek advice from your local municipality.
: Do not dispose with household garbage. Do not throw into the environment.
Dispose of the tool in a collection centre for waste of electrical and electronic equipment, or a waste
drop-off centre; or seek advice from your local municipality.