Selecting the correct calibration tile
For polished metals it is often preferable to measure in percentage reflectance
rather than gloss units. To measure in percentage reflectance, use the mirror
standard rather than the black glass standard for calibration. Before use the
internal calibration values will need to be adjusted and the instrument
recalibrated. See page 19
for instructions.
Calibrate Instrument
To calibrate the instrument enter the calibration menu, this can be accessed via
the main menu or by using a shortcut.
To enter the main menu PRESS and HOLD the center button. Press the left
button to access the calibration screen.
To shortcut to the calibration screen PRESS and HOLD the left button from
any screen.
The calibration screen, details of the stored calibration values are displayed on the left screen.
Before calibration for the first time check the values displayed on the left match
the calibration values printed on the calibration tile. If they are found to be
incorrect they can be adjusted, see page 23 details of this procedure.
ALWAYS check that the calibration tile is clean and undamaged before calibration
see page 19 for more details.
To calibrate place the instrument on the calibration tile, and press
-The LEFT button to calibrate 20⁰ angle.
-The RIGHT button to calibrate 60⁰ angle.
-The DOWN button to calibrate both angles