Air Speed Sensor Input, used for limiting turbine output (Sensor Optional)
2.4 Fuel / Oil System
The fuel supply for all Jet Central Turbines requires that the user to pre mixed fuel and oil
Internal lubrication is achieved by routing fuel oil mix to an internal T-fitting which sends some
of the Fuel/Oil mix to the bearings and the rest is sent to the fuel nozzles in the combustion
chamber. It is important to filter the fuel and use proper types of fuel and oil in the turbine
engine. Without proper filtering one or more of the injector needles could become clogged,
thus affecting the proper running of the engine.
Use the supplied hangar 9 fuel filter between the fuel pump and the turbine; this will help
insure that the oil flow reducer will not be clogged. Failure to use this filter can damage the
turbine by reducing the flow of fuel/oil to the rear bearing!
See section 8 for fuel and oil recommendations
2.5 Kerostart System
With the “Auto-Kero” start type selected in the Start Menu the starting sequence is as follows:
The initial start sequence of the turbine utilizes the main fuel source (Kerosene / Jet A /
Diesel). This system uses an internal fuel pump and solenoid valves to deliver the fuel to the
combustion chamber, the internal ceramic igniter is powered momentary to cause ignition.
When the start command is received by the POWERPACK / ECU there will be a preheat time
delay, then the starter must turn the turbine to preset RPM before the Kero Start solenoid
valve will modulate, at this time the start fuel will ignite in the combustion chamber.
If the temperature rise and RPM’s are within the pre-programmed values, “Switchover point”,
then the main fuel solenoid valve will modulate to deliver fuel to the main burner to bring the
engine to the proper idle RPM during the remaining starting ramp. The Kero solenoid valve is
automatically closed when the predetermined RPM is reached during the “Fuel Ramp” stage
taking the turbine to the “Running” mode, where Turbine control is handed back to the
transmitter control.
Note: If the temperature rise is not sufficient during the initial start phase the “IGN. Fail” error
message will be displayed and the “Pump Pw. Ignt. K” parameter will need to be adjusted to a
higher value.
If excessive flames are present during the initial startup verify that the cause was not a
flooded combustion chamber due to fuel line/ priming. If flooding was not the cause of
excessive flames, then the “Pump Pw. Ignt. K” parameter will need to be adjusted to a lower
If excessive flames are present during the “SWITCHOVER” point, reducing “Pump Pw. Ignt.
K” may help, if not then the POWERPACK / ECU will need to have the parameters unlocked
and the xxx adjusted, please contact your Jet Central Rep for instructions.