Before You Call For Service…
Troubleshooting Tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service.
This water heater incorporates a combustion shut off device that shuts the operation of the water heater
down if undesirable combustion conditions occur. Such as the presence of flammable vapors or blockage
of the combustion air inlet openings. Please contact a Qualified Service Technician if this occurs.
Possible Causes
What To Do
This usually happens when
This is normal. After the water in the tank warms
a new water heater is
up, the condensation will disappear. If, however, the
filled for the first time.
condition persists, examine the piping and fittings
for possible leaks.
Moisture from the products
This is normal and will disappear in time. Excessive
of combustion condensing
condensation can cause pilot burner outage.
on the tank surface.
An undersized water
Use a water heater size that meets the requirements
heater will cause
of your needs.
Yellow flame
Scale on top of the burner.
Contact a qualified service technician to remove scale.
or soot
Flue or Combustion air inlet
Remove obstruction or debris from flue or
openings are restricted.
combustion air inlet openings on water heater jacket.
Not enough combustion or
Proper operation of the water heater requires air for
ventilation air supplied to
combustion and ventilation. See the Combustion and
the water heater location.
Ventilation Air information in the “Installing The
Water Heater” section of this manual.
Unable to light
Air in gas line.
Contact a qualified service technician to purge the air
the pilot burner
from the gas line.
Pilot burner orifice clogged.
The pilot burner should be cleaned or replaced by a
qualified service technician.
Pilot burner tube pinched or
The pilot burner should be cleaned, repaired or
replaced by a qualified service technician.
Gas Control Knob not depressed
See the “Lighting The Water Heater” section of this
while attempting to light pilot.
Pilot burner does not stay
Loose thermocouple.
The connection at the gas control (thermostat) should
lit when the gas control
be tightened by a qualified service technician.
knob is released
Thermocouple defective.
The thermocouple should be replaced by a qualified
service technician.
Safety magnet defective.
The gas control (thermostat) should be replaced by a
qualified service technician.
Gas Controls (Thermostat’s)
The gas control (thermostat) should be replaced by a
single use gas shut-off device
qualified service technician.
Combustion Shutoff Device
The combustion shutoff device should be inspected
by a qualified service technician.
CAUTION: For your safety DO NOT attempt repair of gas piping, gas control (thermostat), burners, vent connectors or
other safety devices. Refer repairs to qualified service personnel.