This checklist must be checked prior to each use of the HydraPak. This checklist is to be used as a guideline in conjunction with
the maintenance and inspection procedures outlined in this manual. The HydraPak and related equipment must be thoroughly
inspected prior to each use by a trained person. A trained person is one who has read and thoroughly understands this instruction
manual and related equipment manuals and, through training and experience, has shown knowledge regarding the safe operational
procedures. If you do not have such a person in your organization, please contact Reimann & Georger Corporation or its
distributors and they will assist you in providing such a “trained person.” Do not permit any person who is not fully trained to
operate this HydraPak or the associated hydraulic tool. It is recommended that this checklist be maintained as a permanent
Ensure construction area is secured from all unauthorized personnel.
All crew members at the construction site must be wearing personal protective equipment as defined by their employer.
Ensure HydraPak has been properly maintained.
Ensure flammable storage is at least ten feet from HydraPak.
Ensure hydraulic heat exchanger is clean and free of obstructions.
Ensure HydraPak is located in a well ventilated area.
Ensure HydraPak is positioned to minimize the amount of construction dust and debris it receives.
Ensure engine oil level is full.
Ensure fluid level in hydraulic reservoir is one inch from top.
Ensure the shipping cap has been replaced with the provided chrome filler/breather cap.
Ensure hydraulic hoses are properly connected and in good condition.
Ensure the flow control knob is in the OFF position before starting the HydraPak.