Communication Software Guideline
Software Operation
VENUS X2 User Manual 47
Top border and bottom border, left border and
right border are changed equivalently. For
example, if set top border as 100, bottom border
will be changed to 100 automatically, and if set
left border as 200, right border will be changed to
200 automatically.
For example, set the top border, bottom border, left border and right border as
100, as shown in the figure below:
Close monitor:
Click the icon
on the top right corner of the monitor to
close one monitor, or click the shortcut
on the right side of the interface
to close all monitors.
Reset monitor:
User can reset the monitor by clicking the shortcut
the right side of the interface.
Swap monitor:
User can swap the monitor by clicking the shortcut
the right side of the interface, as shown in the figure below.