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USB Settings > Share Settings
The screen shows the configuration of the USB share settings for the USB device attached. The
following fields are displayed :
Attached Device
• Index. The index number on the USB drive.
• Product. The name of the attached USB drive.
• Device ID. The ID of the attached USB drive.
• Partition ID. The ID corresponding to the logical drive ID of above USB device indicated with
• File System Type. The file system on the partition can be FAT16, FAT32, NTFS (read only), or
• Share. Click ADD will add the logical drive indicated by DeviceID and PartitionID for share with
default share path as /.
Share To Be Edited
• SharePath. The path of the folder to be shared with default share path as /.
• ShareName. The name given for the folder to be shared.
• Share. Click Update will update the changes in the SharePath & ShareName into the list of
Share Service.
SharePath ShareName Meaning
/ usbDisk1_0 Share the whole drive
/ temp usbDisk1_0 Only share the folder : temp
Note : This is a security feature to choose not to share the whole disk
Share Service
• Edit Delete. Click Edit/Delete will allow the list of informations to be edited/deleted in the Share
To Be Edited settings.
Changes to take Effect
After you have made all your changes, click the Refresh button to apply your changes.