dC Menu – Voltage Protection Setting
dC on/off
– Default Setting is ON. The power supply
voltage protection circuit protects the radio from input
voltages that are outside of the safe operating range of
10.5 to 16 volts DC.
When set to on, the radio will monitor the supply voltage
from the vehicle or power supply. If the supply voltage
drops below 10.5 volts DC or rises above 16 volts DC the
radio will display a warning and prohibit transmitting.
When set to off, the protection circuit is disabled.
td Menu – Transmit Display Setting
td Menu
– Default Setting is tF. During transmit the
radio’s LCD can display frequency (default setting), time-
out transmit counter, or battery voltage. This feature is
also controlled by the MODE button on the front panel.
“td tF” = Frequency displayed during TX
“td bat” = Battery voltage displayed during TX
“td tot” = Time-out transmit counter displayed during TX
rb Menu – Roger Beep Tone (Frequency) Setting
rb Menu
– Default Setting is 1050. The frequency (Hz),
or tone, of the radio’s roger beep is adjustable between
300Hz ~ 3000Hz in 10Hz steps. Use the radio’s talk back
monitor (TB) to determine the desired roger beep sound.
rt Menu – Roger Beep Time (Duration) Setting
rt Menu
– Default Setting is 1050. The time, or duration,
of the radio’s roger beep tone is adjustable between 50ms
~ 1000ms in 50ms steps. Use the radio’s talk back
monitor (TB) to determine the desired roger beep duration.
CF Menu – CW Side Tone Frequency Setting
CF Menu
– Default Setting is 1050. The frequency (Hz),
or pitch, of the radio’s CW side tone is adjustable between
300Hz ~ 3000Hz in 10Hz steps.
tn Menu – Transmit Single Tone Frequency Setting
tn Menu
– Default Setting is 1050. The radio has the
ability to transmit a single tone signal to provide a
continuous tone for the receiving radio to tune to. Use the
tn menu to adjust the tone, or frequency (Hz), between
300Hz ~ 3000Hz in 10Hz steps.
To transmit the single tone signal, press the ASQ button
on the microphone while transmitting (pressing the PTT
tb Menu – Talk Back Volume Setting
tb Menu
– Default Setting is 31. Talk Back (TB) allows for
monitoring of the operator’s transmitted audio. The
volume level is adjustable from off to 63 (100%). This
setting is also available from the TB front panel control.
CS Menu – CW Side Tone Volume Setting
CS Menu
– Default Setting is 31. The volume, or level, of
the radio’s CW side tone is adjustable from off to 63
iC Menu – Microphone Gain Setting
iC Menu
– Default Setting is 31. The gain of the radio’s
microphone is adjustable from off to 63 (100%). This
setting is also available from the MIC front panel button.
See 18. in Front Panel Control section.