2nd Layer
End With Blue Mark
Locate (4) four 2x4s that are 84-1/2" long and have an angle block attached to one
end. Install these 2x4s along the sides of the gable frame, extending 1/2" beyond the
gable frame. Use 10d sinkers.
Nail the siding where the siding panels overlap. Use 8d galv. nails.
Move the gable panel to the back loft area. Install 82-1/4" long 2x4s at the top of the gable.
The 2x4s have a blue mark on one end. Install this end at the peak. Install the 2x4s so they
extend 1/2" above the gable frame to receive the roof sheathing. Use 10d sinkers.
Nail another layer of 2x4s over the first layer to create a 3" deep gable overhang.
Step 12 Install 2x4 Gable Overhangs
You can set this gable now. Refer to Step 14.
Repeat to assemble the front gable panels. When complete, move the gable
frame to the back area of the loft to create room to assemble the roof trusses.