2. Revoltec is a registered trademark of Messrs. Listan GmbH & Co.KG . Other products and
company names mentioned in this documentation package may be trademarks or brand
names of the owners concerned.
3. Listan, in line with its corporate policy, continually enhances the design of its products.
Listan accordingly reserves the right, without prior notice, to make changes and improvements
to each of the products described in this documentation package.
4. Listan shall under no circumstances be responsible for data overrun and lost revenues or for
any special, incidental, indirect or direct loss or damage, however this may have come about.
5. The contents of this documentation package are presented in their currently valid form.
Listan neither explicitly nor tacitly accepts any warranty for the correctness or completeness of
the contents of this documentation package, including, but not restricted to the tacit guarantee
of market-suitability and fitness for a defined purpose, unless applicable laws or court rulings
entail a mandatory liability. Listan reserves the right at any time, without prior announcement,
to make changes in this documentation package or to withdraw the documentation package.