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Using the Base Station Front Panel Display
The Base Station has four or eight indicator LEDs (one for each channel) and pairing push buttons on
the front panel. (See Section
Pairing Wireless Microphones to Base
) When the LED is flashing
GREEN or RED, that channel is active and connected to a wireless microphone (GREEN is for live
audio, RED is for muted). When the LED is OFF, the channel is inactive (the microphone is out of
range or turned off).
The LCD and menu buttons are designed to provide the system installer the ability to access certain
configuration settings directly from the front panel instead of having to use the Revolabs HD Control
Panel software.
The user can choose to have the front panel display the current firmware, the current IP address and
box name, or the MAC address of the Base Station during normal operation. During a firmware
upload, the front panel will display the current progress of the firmware upload.
The following is a list of the configuration settings that can be changed using the front panel display
Select High Definition or Max Density modes
Select the Transmit Power of the Base Station
Select Table Top Mute mode
Change the Low Pass Filter
Select DHCP or Fixed IP modes
Switching between High Definition and Max Density modes will cause the Base Station to
automatically reboot. A change in the IP configuration will require a power cycle to take effect.
Revolabs HD Microphones and HD Microphone Adapters
Use any of five microphones with your Revolabs HD ™ System:
Revolabs HD Wearable Wireless Microphone
Revolabs HD Omni-directional Tabletop Wireless Boundary Microphone
Revolabs HD Uni-directional Tabletop Wireless Boundary Microphone
Revolabs HD Universal Wireless Adapter for Handheld Microphones
Revolabs HD Wireless Adapter for Countryman Microphones
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