Revel Performa3 F208/F206 Floorstanding Loudspeaker
Owner’s Manual
UnPaCKinG tHe F208/F206
aBOUt reVeL PerFOrma3
FLOOrStandinG LOUdSPeaKerS
Thank you for purchasing Revel Performa3 fl oorstanding loudspeakers.
These true full-range loudspeakers feature small footprints and sleek
designs, allowing them to blend-in easily with your existing décor. They
deliver an impressive combination of wide frequency range, uncompressed
dynamic range and low distortion across the entire audible spectrum.
Revel F208 and F206 low-frequency and midrange transducers feature
distortion reduction mechanisms that stabilize the fl ux fi eld during
operation, assuring low distortion even at high listening volumes. These
precision transducers utilize ribbed aluminum cones for ideal piston-
like behavior that eliminates a major source of resonances that are
clearly audible in most other loudspeakers. Their cast aluminum frames
eliminate another source of resonances that is common in many lesser-
quality loudspeakers. These loudspeakers employ a sophisticated fl uid-
model designed low-frequency port with identical fl ares on both ends.
This greatly minimizes dynamic compression and port-generated noise,
assuring low-distortion low-frequency performance. The front-fi ring port
location expands the speakers’ installation options.
The F208 and F206 tweeter has been created around a newly-designed
motor and dome assembly that sets a new standard of transparency for
speakers anywhere near the Performa3’s class. The tweeter’s integrated
acoustic lens waveguide is based on a breakthrough mathematical
approach that accurately matches the tweeter’s dispersion to that of the
midrange transducer in the crossover region. This gives the loudspeaker
very smooth sound far off-axis – an important contributor to overall
sound quality, providing consistent sound over an exceptionally wide
listening area. In fact, this new waveguide actually
tweeter’s dispersion at higher frequencies.
The F208 and F206 are housed in enclosures that are similar to our
fl agship Ultima2 Series. These fully-curved enclosures are inherently
stiffer than conventional box shapes and are formed with contiguous
wood layers that prevent splitting. They feature strategically-oriented
bracing that eliminates the possibility of enclosure-induced coloration.
These beautiful, modern enclosures are fi nished in high-gloss piano
black or genuine American walnut in a process (developed and overseen
by Italian luxury cabinet makers) that exceeds automotive fi nish quality.
The loudspeaker grilles are designed to minimize sonic diffraction or
veiling and provide a clean, subtle appearance. The magnetic grille
attachment method completely eliminates ugly hardware on the
loudspeaker baffl e, so if you decide to use the loudspeakers without
grilles they will look like they were designed to be used without grilles.
Revel Performa3 crossover networks feature carefully-selected
components that contribute to great performance and benchmark-
setting value. These high-order crossover networks dramatically reduce
distortion and dynamic compression for clear sound that maintains the
same quality over a very wide dynamic range. These precision networks
optimize the speakers’ timbral accuracy, enhancing musical enjoyment
for listeners who are anywhere in the room, not only those seated
on-axis to the loudspeakers. The F208 network provides a calibrated
high-frequency level control that allows precise fi ne-tuning of the sound
while maintaining a very tight acoustic match between loudspeakers.
Revel-designed binding posts are heavily gold plated and include an
articulated section that allows for more secure connections when using
spade lugs. The F208 includes two sets of binding posts that enable the
loudspeakers to be bi-wired or bi-amped.
During development, every Revel loudspeaker model is compared to
competitive models in our unique position-independent double-blind
listening lab. This process utilizes the latest psychoacoustic research
to assure that these listening tests are valid, enabling us to verify that
all Revel loudspeakers are superior to their competitors before they are
allowed to go into production.