Flying the Helicopter
1. gettINg StArteD:
Before turning on the controller, make sure
that the throttle stick (on the left of the
controller) is in the down position. Then
move the controller’s ON/OFF switch to “ON”
(pic. 1). Use the band selector (pic. 2) to
select the suitable channel for the helicopter
(see sticker on helicopter).
Now set the
ON/OFF switch on
the helicopter’s
underside to “ON”.
Place the helicopter on
the ground with its tail
pointing towards you.
Taking time to adjust the trimming will ensure that the helicopter flies smoothly. It is easy to do, but does require a little patience and a light touch.
Please follow these instructions carefully: Slowly move the throttle stick up to raise the helicopter to a height of about 0.5 metres to 1 metre.
2. trIMMINg tHe coNtroLLer:
If the helicopter spirals left or keeps turning slowly to the left, turn the left and right trim dial
clockwise until the helicopter stops turning.
If the helicopter spirals right or keeps turning slowly to the right, turn the left and right trim
dial counter-clockwise until the helicopter stops turning.
If the helicopter spirals
right or keeps turning slowly
to the right…
If the helicopter spirals
left or keeps turning slowly
to the left…
To take off or to make the helicopter fly higher, carefully push the throttle stick
To land or to make the helicopter fly lower, simply lower the throttle stick. The throttle stick
only needs to be moved very slightly to ensure smooth flying.
To move forwards, carefully push the direction stick up.
To move backwards, carefully pull the direction stick down.
To make left turns, carefully push the direction stick to the left, provided that
the tail of the helicopter is pointing towards the pilot.
To make right turns, slowly push the direction stick to the right, provided that
the tail of the helicopter is pointing towards the pilot.
3. FLIgHt coNtroL:
Pic. 1
Pic. 2