The vent holes must be kept clear.
The mask should not be used unless the CPAP system is
turned on and operating properly.
Follow all precautions when using supplemental oxygen.
Oxygen flow must be turned off when the CPAP or bilevel
device is not operating, so that unused oxygen does not
accumulate within the CPAP or bilevel device enclosure
and create a risk of fire.
At a fixed rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled
oxygen concentration varies, depending on the pressure
settings, patient breathing pattern, mask, point of
application and leak rate.
The technical specifications of the mask are provided for
your clinician to check that they are compatible with the
CPAP or bilevel device. If used outside specification or if
used with incompatible devices, the seal and comfort of
the mask may not be effective, optimum therapy may not
be achieved, and leak, or variation in the rate of leak, may
affect the CPAP or bilevel device function.
Discontinue using this mask if you have ANY adverse
reaction to the use of the mask, and consult your physician
or sleep therapist.
Using a mask may cause tooth, gum or jaw soreness or
aggravate an existing dental condition. If symptoms occur,
consult your physician or dentist.
As with all masks, some rebreathing may occur at low
CPAP pressures.
Refer to your CPAP or bilevel device manual for details on
settings and operational information.
Remove all packaging before using the mask.
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28/10/2011 11:00:37 AM