889-1429-00 CPS-TS2E Operation Manual Rev Apr 2021 Page
General Status Page, Page 1
From the previous page, if the Up button is pressed before the
Enter button, the general status page appears next. It is page 1.
This page depicts general information about the PS, see figure 4.
For example, the page conveniently provides not only the IP
Address assigned to the PS, but also the type of internet server
currently selected (TCP/IP versus UDP). Additionally, the number
of cleared alarms (alerts), SAG and SWELL events, firmware
version and serial number are provided.
Figure 4 – General Status Page
If there are any on-going alarm conditions (e.g., 24VDC output high
current), those alarms would list here instead of the general status
information with a time and date stamp of when the alarm(s) had
occurred. When all alarms clear, the general status information reappears.
On this page, the parameters displayed are not editable by the user.
Pressing the Enter button while this page is displayed has no effect.
Pressing the Down PB moves back to the Overview page, page 0.
And pressing the UP PB, moves to the next page, Device detail page, page