This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (www.conrad.com).
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microfilming, or the capture in electronic data
processing systems require the prior written approval by the editor. Reprinting, also in part, is prohibited. This publication represent
the technical status at the time of printing.
© Copyright 2015 by Conrad Electronic SE.
• Hold down the operator push button on the radio receiver until the programming process at
the radio wall switch is complete. In this case the radio wall switch LED flashes blue and then
• The radio receiver switches on to indicate the end of the programming process.
When 5 radio receivers have already been programmed on the radio wall switch then
the LED’s flash during a programming attempt as described above.
However, the radio receiver is not programmed and does not react to key commands
from the radio wall switch.
c) Removing a radio receiver from the radio wall switch
Please proceed as described in the programming process.
d) Turning on/off a programmed radio receiver
Briefly press the “I” button on the rocker switch of the radio wall switch to switch the programmed
radio receiver on. By briefly pressing the “O” button on the rocker switch of the radio wall switch
the programmed radio receiver is switched off.
When more than one radio receiver is programmed at the radio wall switch (up to 5 are
possible) all radio receivers are switched on or off.
When the key command of the radio receiver is recognized the radio wall switch returns the con-
firmation; the radio wall switch LED flashes blue for 0.5 seconds. If there is no confirmation, the
radio wall switch LED flashes red.
This way you always know whether the radio receiver (e.g., a radio switchable socket) performed
the key command or not.
If more than one radio receiver is programmed (up to 5 are possible) the LED only flash-
es blue when
radio receivers have recognized the key command and the radio wall
switch has received the confirmation.
e) Operating a dimmer
There is also a dimmer available for the RS2W radio system (e.g., radio socket with
dimmer). Of course, this can be controlled by the radio wall switch.
Please follow the operating instructions to the dimmer when so doing.
f) Deleting a defect/lost radio receiver and subsequently programming a new radio
It goes without saying that defect or lost radio receivers can no longer be deleted from the radio
wall switch (see above under chapter c). This way a replacement radio receiver cannot be pro-
Procedure 1:
Press at least twenty times successively the button “I” (or “O”) and wait at least a second between
each time.
Hold both buttons (“I” and “O”) pressed down at the same time (for roughly three seconds) until
the LED blinks red (then let go of both buttons).
Now press button “I” (
“O”) down so long (for roughly six seconds) until the LED blinks blue.
Then release the button.
The defective/missing radio receiver is deleted.
Procedure 2:
Perform a reset at the radio wall switch (see above under a). Here, however, all programmed radio
receivers are deleted from the radio wall switch and must be programmed again.
Procedure 3:
When the radio wall switch of a radio receiver has not responded to a key command for at least
20x the internally occupied memory is released.
The memory is not erased, but only released to be overwritten by a new programming
process (see chapter b). As long as no new radio receiver is programmed, the data is
This prevents that a radio receiver that temporarily cannot be reached (and you press
20x or more the “I” or “O” button on the rocker switch) will be deleted inadvertently. A
successful response resets this internal counter.
If, therefore, a defective or lost radio receiver be “erased” like this, press at least 20x successively
the “I” (or “O”) button on the rocker switch and leave a short break of at least one second between
each key confirmation.
Subsequently the released memory can now be used to tune in a new radio receiver, (see chapter
If the defect/lost radio receiver is not replaced by another/new one a reset must be
performed as described in “Procedure 2”.
For this reason the LED on the radio wall switch will not flash blue, because one of the
registered radio receivers (the defect/lost one) does not send a feedback signal about
the successful reception of the key command to the radio wall switch.
Alternatively you can proceed according to “Procedure 1” in order to delete immediately the de-
fective/missing radio receiver.
Maintenance and cleaning
Apart from the occasional battery change, the product is maintenance-free.
Clean the product with a soft, clean, dry cloth.
Never use aggressive cleaning agents or chemical solutions since these could damage the surface
of the casing or impair operation.
Declaration of conformity (DOC)
We, Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Straße 1, D-92240 Hirschau, herewith declare that this
product conforms to the fundamental requirements and the other relevant regulations of the direc-
tive 1999/5/EC.
The declaration of conformity for this product is available at:
The transmission range of the radio signals between the radio wall switch and the radio receiver
is up to 150 m under optimum conditions.
This value, however, is the so-called “open space range” (the range when transmitter
and receiver are in line of sight, without interference).
In practice, however, there may be walls, room ceilings, etc. between the transmitter and the
receiver which reduce the range accordingly.
Due to the different influences on the radio transmission, no specific range can be guaranteed.
However, trouble-free operation is usually possible in a single family house.
Sometimes the range can be considerably reduced due to:
• Walls, reinforced concrete ceilings, light-weight walls with metal post and beam construction
• Coated/metallised insulated glass
• Proximity to metallic & conductive objects (e.g., heating elements)
• Proximity to human bodies
• Other devices using the same frequency (e.g. wireless headphones, wireless loudspeakers)
• Proximity to electric motors/devices, transformers, power adapters, computers
a) General
Please dispose of the unserviceable product according to the relevant statutory re-
Remove the inserted battery and dispose it of separately from the product.
b) Disposal of used batteries
As the end user, you are required by law (Battery Ordinance) to return all used batteries; disposing
them in the household waste is prohibited!
Batteries containing hazardous substance are marked by the symbols alongside which
indicates the prohibition of disposal with domestic waste. The symbols of the critical
heavy metals are: Cd = Cadmium, Hg = Mercury, Pb = Lead.
You can hand in your used batteries at the collection points of your community at no cost or eve-
rywhere where batteries are sold!
By doing this, you fulfil your statutory obligations and contribute to the protection of the environ-
Technical data
Power supply .........................................................1x battery of type “CR2032”
Sending/reception frequency .............................868.3 MHz
Range ......................................................................up to 150 m (see chapter “Range”)
Max. number of receivers ...................................5
Ambient conditions ............................................... Temperature 0 °C to +45 °C, air humidity 0% to 90%
relative, not condensing
Dimensions (W x H x D)........................................80 x 80 x 11 mm
Weight .....................................................................approx. 47 g (without battery)