b) Sound-to-light mode
• Set So01-So27 in the menu to operate the device in sound-to-light operation.
• Select the desired sound-to-light effect under So01-So27.
• For the sound-to-light effects So21-So27, you can additionally set the effect speed with the option SP01-
The effect light is controlled via an installed microphone in time with the music in this mode.
c) Automatic operation
• Set the AU01-AU15 in the menu to choose automatic mode.
Select the desired automatic effect with the option AU01-AU15.
• Set the effect speed with the option SP01-SP99.
d) Fade effects
• Set the FA 0-FA 9 in the menu to choose automatic mode.
• Select the desired Fade effect with the option FA 0-FA 9.
• Set the effect speed with the option SP01-SP99.
e) Pre-programmed colour setting
• Set Co01-Co32 in the menu to select the operation with pre-set colours.
• Select the desired colours with Co01-Co32.
• Specify the strobe speed for the operating mode with the option FS00-FS15.
FS 0:
No strobe effect
FS 1-FS15:
Strobe effect slow > fast
f) Manual colour setting
• Set r000-r255 in the menu to select operation with manual colour settings.
• Set the brightness of the colours red, green and blue with the options r000-r255/G000-G255/b000-b255
and generate the desired mixed colour this way.
Brightness red
Brightness green
Brightness blue
• Specify the strobe speed for the operating mode with the option FS00-FS15.
FS 0:
No strobe effect
FS 1-FS15:
Strobe effect slow > fast