FORTiS-S FS encoder unit
The FORTiS-S FS enclosed encoder system with multiple readheads
37 mm readhead setting shim
Plastic shim to be used as an installation aid
Air connection fitting
To enable connection to one of the encoder air purge inlets in the extrusion only
Cable connection wrench
Used for securely connecting the encoder cable to the readhead
Alignment brackets
Two brackets to secure each readhead during transit and set the correct readhead alignment
during installation
Retain until installation is complete
FORTiS-S FS quality inspection
Certifies specific encoder performance and provides traceability
Yellow Functional Safety card
Shows the web address for accessing the installation guide
Parts list
8.1 Included in the box
Siemens DRIVE-CLiQ interface
Included with Siemens-only versions of FORTiS-S FS