Operation R/RO
Step 1.
Before using any RENFROE clamp, refer to the Application Section to confirm the
operation to be undertaken is an appropriate application for this product.
Step 2.
Select appropriate capacity and plate thickness. The model designation, capacity
and plate thickness are stenciled on each clamp.
WARNING: Never exceed rated capacity or use on material whose thickness is
not within the range of jaw opening stenciled on clamp. Lift only one plate on
each lift.
Always use a clamp with maximum plate thickness and rated capacity near equal to
the thickness and weight of the plate being lifted.
Step 3.
Inspect clamp before each lift.
WARNING: Do not use if in need of repair.
If in doubt, refer to Maintenance Section for detailed maintenance instructions and
exploded view of the clamp for part identification.
A. Check the clamp to be certain the identification and warning tags are present
and legible.
B. Do not use the clamp if the tags are missing or illegible.
C. Inspect gripping surfaces for wear and defects. Gripping surfaces must be sharp
and free of foreign matter.
D. Some models of the “R” incorporate swivel jaws, while others incorporate die
1. Swivel Jaws: Swivel jaws should turn freely. Inspect swivel jaw mounting
hole in body for elongation indicating overload or excessive wear.
2. Die Blocks: The retaining bolts must be tight and free of damage.
C. Inspection condition of body for wear, damage and distortion, particularly in the
area of the jaw opening.
D. Inspect lifting shackle and all pins for wear and damage.
E. Inspect locking mechanism and lock spring. The locking mechanism on the
model “R” is designed to select a spring tension for various ranges of plate thick-
nesses. The spring must have a definite tension when the spring is set in the
position of maximum tension without material on the clamp. Check spring for
distortion and damage. Spring coils should be in contact with the adjacent coils
when there is no tension applied to the spring. Lock handle and spring mecha-
nism should operate smoothly without binding.
F. Remove any clamp from service in need of repair.
WARNING: Replace shackles that are bent, show excessive wear at eye, and
have elongated eye and shackle pin hole.