Applications Engineering
SKP16C62P User’s Manual Rev. 1.0
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December 2003
5.4 SKP16C62P Board Jumper Configuration
5.4.1 JP1: MCU (U1) Power
JP1 is used to connect the power/Vcc pins of the M16C/62P MCU to the Vcc of the board. It can
be used to measure current/power consumption of the MCU during various modes of operation.
For normal operations, JP1 must be shorted.
JP1 is shorted by default.
5.4.2 JP2: Xout
JP2 is used to connect the output of the MCU’s internal amplifier to the crystal for oscillation. It
can be used to disconnect Xout when an externally driven clock is connected to Xin. For normal
operations, JP2 must be shorted.
JP2 is shorted by default.
Default Jumper Setting
MCU Power
Setting Shorted Shorted
5.5 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
The LCD is a 2-line by 8-character display with a KS0066 controller IC.
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