Renesas Synergy™ Platform
Target Board Kit S1JA (TB-S1JA)
R12UM0025EU0101 Rev.1.01
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Once the shorting traces have been removed, there are several options to measure current:
Pins can be installed that allow connection of a precision multi-meter or bench meter, or leaded current
shunt to allow oscilloscope or data logger connection. When not measuring current, this allows easily
installed and removed shunts to be used to short the jumper terminals.
Another option is to install current sense resistors between pads 1 and 3 for +3V3MCU. Precision non-
inductive film or foil resistors are recommended for use in this application, and the value of each resistor
should be carefully considered.
For example, if the expected current requirement for the +3V3 MCU supply voltage is 10 mA, and the
user would expect to measure a 10 mV drop across the current measurement resistor, then a 1.0-ohm
resistor should be selected and installed. The actual value selected should be based on the operating
conditions of the MCU for the specific user application and the sensitivity of the measurement equipment