R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 906 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
30. RAM
This MCU has an on-chip high-speed static RAM.
lists the specifications of the RAM.
Note 1. Selectable by the RAME bit in SYSCR1. For details on SYSCR1, see section 3.2.2, System Control Register 1 (SYSCR1).
Low Power Consumption Function
Power consumption can be reduced by setting module stop control register C (MSTPCRC) to stop supply of the clock
signal to the RAM.
Setting the MSTPCRC.MSTPC0 bit to 1 stops supply of the clock signal to RAM0.
Stopping supply of the clock signal places the RAM0 in the module stop state. The RAM operates after initialization by
a reset.
The RAM is not accessible in the module stop state. Do not allow transitions to the module stop state while access to
RAM is in progress.
For details on the MSTPCRC register, see
section 11, Low Power Consumption
Table 30.1
Specifications of RAM
RAM capacity
12 Kbytes
RAM address
RAM0: 0000 0000h to 0000 2FFFh
Single-cycle access is possible for both reading and writing.
On-chip RAM can be enabled or disabled.*
Low power consumption function
The module stop state is selectable for RAM0.