R01UH0822EJ0100 Rev.1.00
Page 167 of 1041
Jul 31, 2019
RX13T Group
11. Low Power Consumption
Low Power Consumption
This MCU has several functions for reducing power consumption, by setting clock dividers, stopping modules, changing
to low power consumption mode in normal operation, and changing to operating power control mode.
lists the specifications of low power consumption functions, and
lists the conditions to change to
low power consumption modes, states of the CPU and peripheral modules, and the method for exiting each mode.
After a reset, this MCU returns to normal mode, but modules except the DTC, and RAM are stopped.
Note 1. For details, refer to section 9, Clock Generation Circuit.
Table 11.1
Specifications of Low Power Consumption Functions
Clock divider functions
The frequency division ratio can be set independently for the system clock (ICLK), peripheral
module clock (PCLKB), S12AD clock (PCLKD), and FlashIF clock (FCLK).*
Module stop function
Each peripheral module can be stopped independently by the module stop control register.
Function for transition to low
power consumption mode
Transition to a low power consumption mode in which the CPU, peripheral modules, or oscillators
are stopped is enabled.
Low power consumption modes
Sleep mode
Deep sleep mode
Software standby mode
Operating power control modes
Power consumption can be reduced in normal operation, sleep mode, and deep sleep mode by
selecting an appropriate operating power control mode according to the operating frequency and
operating voltage.
Two operating power control modes are available
High-speed operating mode
Middle-speed operating mode