SH7263/SH7203 Group
Data Transfer to On-chip Peripheral Modules with DMAC
December 2008
Page 7 of 17
Processing Procedure of Sample Program
In this sample program, character string data stored in external memory are transferred by DMA to the transmit FIFO
data register (SCFTDR) on SCIF channel 0, and then are transmitted in UART mode.
The register settings for the sample program are listed in table 2. The macro definitions used in this sample program are
also listed in table 3. A flowchart of the sample program is illustrated in figure 4.
Table 2 Register Settings for Sample Program
Register Name
Setting Value
Standby control
register 2 (STBCR2)
H'FFFE 0018
MSTP8 = "0": DMAC operates
H'0000 0000
DE = "0": Disables DMA transfer
H'0000 1800
TC = "0": Transfers data once for each
DMA transfer request
RLDSAE = "0":
Disables SAR reload function
RLDDAR = "0":
Disables DAR reload function
DM = "B'00": Fixes destination address
SM = "B'01": Increments source address
RS = "B'1000": Extension resource selector
TB = "0": Cycle-stealing mode
TS = "B'00": Byte transfer
IE = "0": Disables interrupt request
DMA channel control
register 1 (CHCR1)
H'0000 1801
DE = "1": Enables DMA transfer
DMA source address
register_1 (SAR1)
H'FFFE 1010
Address where
character string
data are stored
Start address of transfer source:
Start address of character string stored in
external memory
DMA destination
address register_1
H'FFFE 1014
Start address of transfer destination:
Address of the SCIF transmit FIFO data
register_1 (SCFTDR_1)
DMA transfer count
register_1 (DMATCR1)
H'FFFE 1018
Number of
character string
Transfer count: the number of character
string data
DMA operation register
H'FFFE 1200
DME = "1": Enables DMA transfer on all the
DMA extension
resource selector
H'FFFE 1300
MID = "B'100000"
RID = "B'01"
Set to SCIF_0 transmit FIFO data empty
transfer request