Rev.1.00 2003.05.08 page 17 of 23
Fs Selection for De-emphasis filter (De-emphasis is "ON" except for bit9="L" and bit10="L".
(bit9, bit10) : ("L", "L") …De-emphasis Filter off
except ("L", "L") … De-emphasis Filter on (Setting fsi)
Zero Mute at DATA input ( bit11: DF1IMUTE )
"L" … Mute release
"H" … Mute
The input data from DATA pin is muted in this setting.
Zero Mute at Sampling Rate Converter Input (bit12: DF2IMUTE)
"L" … Mute release
"H" … Mute
DF2IMUTE is muting control of sampling rate converter input data.
Selection of Muting operation at primary Side Asynchronous Detection ( bit20: ASYNC1MODE)
"L" -- Duty 50% Mute of PWM output at primary side asynchronous detection.
"H"… Input Zero Mute of the gain control at primary side asynchronous detection.
( PWM Output 50% Mute doesn't be operated in this setting. )
Selection of PWM output form (bit22, 23:PWMMODE 0 and 1)
Refer to Table 2-5.
* Enable to PWM for Power and for Headphone.
• The Selection of PWM output form 1, 2, 3, and 4 Refer to Page10 for the details.
NOTE1 ; At the setting of PWM Output Form2
PWM Output Form2 enable to operate the following conditions.
bit17(NSOBIT)="H“(5bit), bit16(NSSPEED)="L“(16fso)
Only in terminal MCKSEL="L" (secondary side master clock 1024 fso)
In case of setting and release for PWM Output Form2,set both flags as follows.
•Serial Control System Mode1 bit 22,23 (PWMMODE0,1)
Mode2 bit 16 ( NSSPEED), bit17 (NSOBIT )
< In case of the setting for PWM output form2 >
(1) Set to Serial Control system2 mode ; bit17(NSOBIT)="H"
(To be set as MCKSEL="L" in advance is required.)
(2) Serial control system1 mode bit22, 23(PWMMODE0,1)="H","L"
(When a setup of both (1) and (2) is completed, it changes to Form2. When (2) is set up before (1),
The term until a setup of (1) holds the last PWM Output Form.)
< In case of release for PWM output form2 >
(1) Serial control System 1 mode bit22, bit 23 (PWMMODE 0 , 1) is set as the Form to be used.
(2) Serial Control System2 mode bit17(NSOBIT),bit16(NSSPEED) is set the condition to be used.
When a setup of (1) is completed, PWM Output Form changes. When (2) is set up before (1),
a term until a setup of (1) is worked keeps the Form 2 in the state of
serial control system 2 mode bit17(NSOBIT) =H, bit16(NSSPEED) =L.
NOTE2; Selection of PWM output form
Pay attention in selection and setting above-mentioned that a noise may occur by internal clock changes
when Setting of MCKSEL pin is changed and the serial control system 2 modes
bit17 (NSOBIT) and bit16 (NSSPEED).
Since especially MCKSEL pin sets up an internal master clock, use with a fixed value recommended.
In changing MCKSEL, initialization with INIT pin and a re-setup of all the bits by serial control are needed
after changing MCKCEL.
Phase of PWM Output pins for Headphone(bit24:PWMHP)
*Enable only for PWM output for Headphone.
"L" -- The Output for Headphone L1 and R1 are reverse phase as the PWM output L1 and R1 for Power Stage.
(In this setting, the outputs for Headphone L1, L2, R1and R2 are reverse phase
as output for Power Stage.)
"H" -- The Output for Headphone L1 and R1 are same phase as the PWM output L1 and R1 for Power Stage.
(In this setting, L2 and R2 Output for Headphone are reverse phase as L2 and R2 Output for Power Stage. )
Refer to Page11.