Section 3 Diagnostic Program Function
3.1 General Description
The diagnostic program has three test-system configurations: E8000 ONLY test and E8000 +
EVCHIP test (which are independent E8000 emulator system tests) and E8000 +
FIXED USER test. Note that the E8000 + FIXED USER test cannot be executed, for it
is the E8000 emulator system test at shipment and needs an additional system for testing.
Before executing an independent E8000 emulator system test,
remove the EV-CHIP BOARD from the USER SYSTEM. Correct test
results cannot be obtained when the E8000 emulator is still connected
to the user system.
Independent E8000 Emulator System Test (E8000 ONLY):
The system configuration shown in figure 2.1 is used for testing the independent E8000 emulator
system. The test results are displayed on the personal computer display. After start-up, the system
enters an endless test loop without operator intervention until an error is detected. When an error
occurs and ERROR CONTINUE is not specified, the test is terminated. If ERROR CONTINUE is
specified, the test resumes execution after an error content display. When initiating the diagnostic
program, select whether to execute the following tests:
• Operation tests
• Serial interface test
• P1284 interface test
• LAN board (optional) test